Ignition Interlock Device - DUI Penalties

An ignition interlock device or IID prevents you from driving while intoxicated. Here’s how: Before your car will start, you must blow into a breath test machine to prove your blood alcohol content, or BAC, is zero. The breath test machine electronically connects to your car’s engine.
If you fail the ignition interlock breath test, your car will not start. You also will have to stop your car and blow into the machine again to prove your sobriety. You can only drive a vehicle that has the interlock installed. So if you are on a business trip you cannot rent a car, which is embarrassing. An ignition interlock device may be required as part of your overall DUI penalties if you are convicted of DUI. Other penalties if you are found guilty of drunk driving include large monetary fines, community service, suspended license, DUI school, alcohol and drug assessment, and possible job loss. Every one of our top-reviewed DUI defense lawyers will fight every step of the way to prevent a DUI conviction.
How Much Is an Ignition Interlock? Ignition Interlock CostIgnition interlocks can be a mandatory penalty even for first time DUI offenders. You bear the cost of installation and monthly monitoring, and you have to periodically return to the installation shop to download your BAC results. It is a hassle and consumes a lot of valuable time. Typical costs for an ignition interlock range between $65 – $95 per month for monitoring. These fees are set by the State of Georgia so you won’t find anything cheaper. You have to go to a state-approved installation company. If you cannot afford the initial installation and monthly maintenance fee, some states have an indigent fund set up to help you cover the costs, but you will have to prove your income.
Ignition Interlocks Cannot Be Fooled So Don’t Attempt ItDo not try to override or trick the ignition interlock. Some people get their friend to blow into the breath tester. Others will use a leaf blower to blow into the machine! These ideas will not work. The ignition interlock has been calibrated to recognize your breath’s rate of flow and pressure. And even if you are successful at getting your car started, you are still required to periodically breathe into the ignition interlock as you travel down the road.
These checks are random, so do not drink and drive! If you fail a moving breath test, the system is wired so that your car horn will blare out non-stop, and your headlights will constantly flash. This is designed to attract the attention of a police officer, who has been trained to recognize these DUI clues.
If you are searching for a DUI attorney near me then call the law office of Kohn & Yager at (404) 567-5515 to discuss your ignition interlock options. Our criminal defense lawyers will answer any question you have, including Is a DUI a misdemeanor?.