Traffic Attorney Near Me: Top Traffic Lawyers Atlanta GA
By: Larry Kohn and ex-cop Cory Yager, Traffic Accident Lawyers with thousands of prior court cases in Georgia at the same Law Firm as Bubba Head.
Stop and go traffic in Georgia can be maddening. In the past 20 years, Atlanta traffic has progressed from bad to awful due to multiple factors. In the 19 counties clustered around Atlanta GA, over 6 million people live here and go to and from work, which is about half of the State's total population.

The #1 change is migration to the Peach State due to explosive population growth due to jobs being available here. Our gain comes from major cities in northeastern states (and other states) that are experiencing job losses.
Other factors affecting traffic jams come from constant road widening projects and construction of major thoroughfares. The billion-dollar Georgia 400/I-285 project has been underway for over 6 years and is still not quite finished. These long-term projects are the #2 factor.
In addition, our city's Perimeter Interstate, I-285, is the mandatory "by-pass" for 18-wheelers and other commercial trucks to circle around the perimeter through Fulton County and DeKalb County. This rule applies to ALL who are not picking up or dropping off cargo within that Perimeter's "circle" area, which also passes through parts of Clayton County and Cobb County.

Planned widening and improvements cannot happen fast enough to ease the constant slowdowns caused by the high volume of vehicles on the Perimeter bypass, so the #3 biggest cause of slowdown happens for this reason. Since 1960, Georgia went from the nation's 16th largest population state to being the 8th largest in 2024 and is destined to be the 6th largest population state in America by 2027, this explosive growth means that Georgia traffic jams now are a way of life.
People receiving a traffic ticket in Georgia usually do not hire a traffic ticket lawyer to help them since they believe that it is only a minor traffic citation. In some states around the USA, a traffic ticket is an "infraction" or a civil legal matter, but not in the Peach State.
A traffic attorney near me provides callers a FREE consultation in all criminal cases to see if that caller needs legal help in Court. Don’t go to court alone or pay that FINE ONLINE, since this complicates your case further, and may make our help more expensive.
Every uniform traffic citation is a criminal accusation for which a criminal misdemeanor court case has been lodged against the motorist. So, in Georgia, traffic violations can have a big impact on your everyday life, even passing through an intersection when the traffic signal changed from yellow to red when your vehicle should have stopped instead.

A Variable That Only You Can Control: Remain Silent
For some potential clients who call our law office, not knowing how to control your temper while on the roadway can create a bigger issue. Our attorneys advise all drivers that they have the right to remain silent, even before Miranda Rights are read to you, so FOLLOW that advice.
Why not talk to Police at a traffic stop? First, every word is being recorded by that officer with a body cam or her (or his) patrol car's camera system in Georgia in 99% of the cases.
Disrespectful or other bad behavior usually will result in an unfavorable (or less negotiable) case outcome. Minor traffic violations (in some courts) can escalate due to officer discretion and intervention in some traffic cases.
If you have been wrongly accused, though, a Georgia traffic lawyer can help ensure fair treatment and challenge any wrongdoing or incorrect accusations found in your traffic charges. These problems can be addressed in the traffic court or possibly in a different court, where a false police report or other inappropriate conduct takes place.
Why Some Traffic Accident Cases Need an Attorney
In Atlanta Georgia, traffic accidents near me are as common as people wearing an Atlanta Braves hat. Those of us who work and live in metro Atlanta turn on their Waze or Google Maps technology looking for the path that is least clogged due to traffic accidents.
If you believe that you were not the driver who was mostly at fault, then you may need to retain an accident lawyer in Atlanta skilled in beating criminal charges, since allowing the criminal conviction could prevent a top Atlanta car accident attorney from accepting your civil litigation case.

So, car wrecks are also a daily event. Plus, about half or all of Georgia's car accident cases happen in those same 19 metro Atlanta counties, with the other half spread out over the State's other 140 counties.
Our legal firm does not handle personal injury civil car accident claims (for medical bills & pain and suffering) nor do we handle the property damage claims. Don't despair because HUNDREDS of other civil law Atlanta car accident lawyers aggressively advertise all across metro Atlanta for the thousands of cases that occur each month.
While those civil attorneys work on a contingency fee basis (meaning that you don't pay unless you win) to seek financial recovery in a personal injury claim, criminal cases don't work that way. Our nearby criminal defense lawyers DO charge retainer fees that are required for us to assist you in court. If you qualify as being indigent, you should contact your Court to apply for a public defender.
Traffic violations can lead to higher insurance premiums and have a significant impact on daily life. An experienced traffic ticket attorney near me (like our law partners) can help negotiate with the prosecution and present your case to the judge for traffic violations.
Many working adults feel a lot of pressure and stress while driving to and from work. This stress can make them act in ways they wouldn't normally act. Irrational driving behavior can lead to several costly traffic violations in s short time period (i.e., within 24 months) and (if convicted of all charges) will jeopardize that driver's right to keep driving.

Traffic violations can quickly add up, affecting your driving record and raising your insurance rates. These violations can greatly impact your daily life when points have accumulated toward a potential license suspension for being a repeat traffic scofflaw.
If you have traffic violations, a criminal defense lawyer usually can assist in negotiating with the prosecution for a better case resolution. In some cases, our criminal law professionals may have to present your case to the judge or even have to request a jury trial to see if the court can process your case within the statute of limitations.

A Georgia traffic lawyer near me who knows the state's traffic laws, plus knows your Court's personnel may be able to help most traffic violators get a better outcome. Our Firm’s Partners are Georgia legal book co-authors on traffic-related criminal cases. Call us 24 hours a day for targeted legal advice, statewide. 404-567-5515.