DUI Lawyer Atlanta: 3 Sandy Springs DUI Attorneys Near Me
For those never previously charged with DUIs, locating the best lawyer for DUI near me can be daunting. From the situation 20 years ago, lawyers specializing in DUI only have all but disappeared, since the number of Georgia DUI cases has dwindled, and the number of new attorneys nearby has grown.

Without question, our DUI firm was built on our stellar track record in defending those accused of violating Georgia's drunk driving laws or drugged driving laws. Atlanta criminal lawyer Bubba Head has been named the top Atlanta DUI attorney more than any other in the State, since 1991, when he moved to Atlanta from Athens GA.
Plus, in 2003, Gary Trichter was Dean of NCDD.com and the State of Texas's top driving while intoxicated (DWI) lawyer, when the members of that group named William C. Head, Sandy Springs Georgia lawyer as the nation's top criminal defense attorney handling drunk driving cases.
Whether for a first offence DUI or vehicular homicide, those people seeking our legal advice have similar legal issues that they need to have addressed. For those in Georgia facing criminal charges by law enforcement, claiming impaired driving, these 5 confusing aspects of the police encounter seem to be prevalent among our clients:
- Most are shocked that (within about 10 minutes) their officer placed them in handcuffs after they were signaled to pull over, for an alleged traffic violation;
- Most do not know that they not only have the right to remain silent, but should exercise that right, with the exception of giving their name and address, and then remaining silent;
- Most are unaware that at-the-scene-of-the-stop tests (commonly called "field sobriety tests") by an officer's use of a hand-held breath alcohol testing device, or a check of your eyes, or testing your ability to balance on one leg or ability to walk a straight line (and any other kinds of roadside, pre-arrest "tests") are 100% voluntary, optional and will be the officer's primary evidence of you allegedly being "less safe for the person to drive."

- Most do not think that can be convicted if the detainee simply refuses to take the post-arrest testing of breath, blood, or urine, only to find that they are still charges with being incapable of driving safely, and that some then face a court-ordered blood extraction, too; and
- After being cuffed, the advisement being read to the detained driver is a request for them to agree to a take an implied consent test. During the time before you are taken to jail, you will not be allowed to contact a drunk driving lawyer, even if you know one. Plus, any conversations likely would be recorded, and are usable against you in court.
Georgia DUI Penalties Will Last Forever, if Convicted

Their next most common question is "what is the cost of a DUI?" That question can be interpreted several different ways. Regardless of state, a driving while intoxicated (DWI) vs DUI conviction in any state puts a permanent criminal record on your NCIC "history" that can never be removed. Plus, Georgia lacks any law for future expunction of a DUI in GA.
How does having a 2nd DUI in GA affect my chances? Prosecutors will be fighting defense efforts to reduce or drop any repeat offense cases much more intensely than a lifetime DUI 1st offense. If a prior conviction occurred with the past 10 years, that second offense DUI arrestee faces not fewer than 72 hours of jail time, and at least 18 months of driver license problems, plus many other very harsh penalties (e.g., paying a license reinstatement fee), but only if convicted.
Most judges, however, trust the prosecuting attorneys' judgment, when a negotiated deal needs to be made, when a hastily charged DUI is lacking a forensic breath testing result or blood test. In certain cases, a reduction to a lesser motor vehicle crime, like reckless driving GA may be possible.

If the outcome of your DUI arrest is a conviction, then that means that you will have to deal with that public record for life. That is because (in Georgia) the #1 DUI penalty (if convicted) is a lifetime criminal record that will create havoc for that offender in various ways, over the remainder of the life of any person convicted of DUI charges.
Getting a FREE Lawyer Consultation About Your Atlanta DUI
The first offense DUI lawyer cost deters some people charged with DUI in Georgia from seeking the best drunken driving legal counsel. Much like learning you have an illness that needs surgery, your goal must be to eliminate this problem, and not let it affect the balance of your life.
Hiring a top DUI attorney near me with decades of experience, top ratings with Super Lawyers and Martindale-Hubbell and hundreds of 5-star reviews is the best plan. Very few nearby criminal law firms (in the Sandy Springs GA zip codes) will have even one GA DUI lawyer to meet the foregoing requirements. This can be for a DUI lawyer 30342, DUI attorney 30328 or DUI defense lawyers in 30350.
Our legal firm's trial lawyers consist of three award-winning criminal lawyers near me who can be that Georgia DUI lawyer. All three partners are also legal book co-authors, with a major national legal book publisher, Thomson-Reuters.
Plus, William Head alone has 20 straight years as a Georgia Super Lawyer. In addition to that, he is one of only 3 Board-Certified attorneys in the State of Georgia by the NCDD.com in 2023.

Georgia DUI Lawyers: Who Can Get a DUI Dismissed?
The most common reason is that accused DUI drivers do not believe that even the best DUI attorney near me can beat their intoxicated driving case. The second most common issue is because they know the best impaired driving lawyer will have DUI attorney fees higher than most less qualified DUI criminal lawyers who do not achieve a high percentage of non-DUI resolutions.
Analyzing the search intent of these phrases, some want to not drive far to meet their drunk driving attorneys. Others want just about any Atlanta Georgia area DUI defense attorney located in DeKalb County, Gwinnett County, Fulton County DUI attorneys or Cobb County DUI lawyers that advertise for being a cheap DUI attorney, or maybe just call themselves "affordable."
QUESTION: If you hire a low-cost DUI lawyer and lose or have the DUI placed upon your criminal record for LIFE and you lose your driving privileges, is "affordable" a favorable word? You only get one shot at winning, in criminal cases.
This "defeatist" attitude is why our criminal defense lawyers nearby offer an initial, detailed FREE consultation. Plus, because administrative suspensions (for a first DUI offense) will be imposed if no administrative license suspension appeal is timely filed.
If filed in time (within 30 days after arrest date), a hearing before an administrative law judge may occur. Most Georgia licensees who refused the post-arrest police testing are eligible to opt for an interlock restricted driving permit and install a 12-month ignition interlock device. If not IN PLACE within 30 days after the arresting officer's traffic stop, it is TOO LATE to act.

Here is our DUI law firm's 4-prong promise to every criminal case client that contacts us:
- Full DUI arrest analysis. Our lawyers near me for DUI will provide a no-cost, initial FREE case assessment when you provide us with all paperwork and information about the facts surrounding your arrest and any prior criminal history that impacts their case; and
- DUI attorneys’ fees payment plans. Our best lawyers near me will provide you with a fee quote for the legal services of one of our DUI defense lawyers, payable in increments, as the GA DUI case progresses through the legal system; and
- Our top DUI lawyers near me will guide you to another law firm if you cannot afford us. Most of our callers cannot qualify for a free public defender, so our effort is to guide them to a different law firm with a DUI-DWI lawyer near me; and
- If you cannot afford one of our best attorneys near me, our litigation team will identify one or two good lawyers near me that may be more affordable, or (if you are indigent), will explain how free lawyers near me (in your court location) can be reached to provide legal help to you. An appointed attorney (meaning the government pays for your legal counsel) or a legal aid lawyer near me is a better choice than a cheap lawyer near me who will just push you into pleading guilty to driving under the influence, due to taking a paltry fee.
Which Atlanta DUI Lawyer or DUI Attorney Sandy Springs, GA to Hire?

If you plan to win, hire an experienced Sandy Springs DUI lawyer for your DUI defense. Self-representation is OUT of the question, for those who need to try to avoid being found guilty at their court date. Larry Kohn, our partner with over 540 5-star AVVO reviews, has handled hundreds of serious traffic crime cases in this jurisdiction.
Mr. Kohn, attorney Sandy Springs, is also a lawyer specializing in Sandy Springs speeding cases. Post-COVID, and with our State’s economic growth, Sandy Springs GA traffic is “off the charts.”
This rule is especially true for any criminal charge (like hit and run GA) that has a mandatory court appearance in Georgia. Because such traffic crimes require a court to impose jail time and license suspension, you need to "lawyer up" well in advance of your Sandy Springs GA date to appear. Call today for your FREE lawyer consultation: (404) 567-5515.
Our three drunk driving defense attorneys at our DUI law office are experts at dealing with implied consent law issues and saving a driver's license. Our three law partners have had thousands of DUI cases dismissed, reduced, or resolved favorably at trial.
In fact, if cumulative attorney ratings and being Board Certified in DUI defense are the measuring stick to be used, Mr. Head will be rated as the best DUI lawyer Atlanta and the best DUI lawyer in Georgia. Plus, all three law partners are DUI law book co-authors, which is unique within the State of Georgia, if not the nation.

Being part of the DUI attorney Atlanta group of best DUI lawyers in Georgia, our team has found that the Sandy Springs office location is the easiest to get to. Criminal defense legal services are not like a box of oatmeal that will be the same in any grocery store.

Skill levels and track records for your legal advisor differ widely, at different law offices nearby. Fewer than 5 law firms in the Peach State have DUI attorneys near me willing to travel statewide to every Georgia traffic court to defend clients for felony or misdemeanor traffic violations. Georgia lawyer and Partner in the Firm, Cory Yager, will travel to any court in Georgia.
In some cases, our criminal law attorneys' actions at this court can prevent a case being bound over to Superior Court as a felony, by entering a plea to a lesser criminal offense. An example of this is a DUI-accident for which the personal injury to another may rise to the level of serious injury by vehicle GA.

Basic Court Information at the Sandy Springs Traffic Court
Cheston Roney, Sandy Springs Clerk of Court, 7840 Roswell Road, Suite 501, Sandy Springs GA 30328, Phone: 770-730-5600.
The new address of City Hall is several miles away, and is located at 1 Galambos Way, Sandy Springs, GA 30328.
Our Legal Team’s Main Practice Areas:
- Atlanta Criminal Attorney: Criminal Defense Lawyers Near Me
- Domestic Violence
- Drug Crimes
- Serious Traffic Crimes: DUI in GA Reckless Driving GA Hit and Run GA
- Expungement and Prior Criminal Record Restriction
- H1B Visa Immigration
- Traffic Tickets
- See our helpful blood alcohol content calculator, to know the number of drinks to put you over the legal limit

Visit this national DUI-DWI attorney directory for connections to many hundreds of other DUI vs DWI attorneys near me.
Copyright 2023, William C. Head, DUI Lawyer Atlanta, GA. All Rights reserved.