Haralson County DUI Lawyers

You probably know that driving under the influence of alcohol (DUI) is a serious crime in the state of Georgia. However, you may be unaware of just how serious the offense actually is—especially if you are arrested in Haralson County. As a result, is important to discuss your case with one of the best DUI defense attorneys in Georgia to learn how you can avoid the life-altering consequences of a DUI conviction. Fortunately for you one of the nation’s leading DUI defense experts, Haralson County DUI attorney William C. (Bubba) Head, is here to help you do just that.
Penalties for a First DUI Offense in Haralson CountyAlthough most DUI cases are classified as misdemeanor crimes, even a first-time offender may face hefty fines, a long license suspension, and possible jail sentence if he or she is convicted of driving under the influence. What’s more, because the offense will permanently remain on your criminal record, a DUI conviction can also limit your future employment and housing opportunities.
You can also expect to have problems finding auto insurance if you have a DUI conviction on your record, as many insurers are reluctant to cover a person who has a history of drunk driving. Plus, even if you can find someone willing to insure you, you expect to pay two to three times more for coverage.
Clearly, the consequences of drunk driving can be quite devastating. As a result, it is important to have the best possible legal defense for your case. Indeed, with the right strategy, you may be able to challenge your arrest and reduce or avoid the consequences of a DUI conviction. DUI defense lawyers in Georgia know many ways to get you a favorable outcome but you have to act fast because your driver’s license can be suspended within 30 days of your arrest if you don’t file an appeal. Ask us how.
Bremen GA and Buchanan GA DUI LawyersAs Georgia’s Top DUI Lawyer of 2012, according to Best Lawyers in America, attorney William C. Head is well-versed in the most successful strategies for winning a DUI case. In fact, he’s written over a dozen books on the subject, and his tactics are employed by criminal lawyers near me in Bremen GA and Buchanan GA.
Since 1976, Mr. Head has represented countless drivers like you, and his expertise has led him to become a sought-after speaker on many popular news programs. To put the leading expert on Georgia DUI defense to work on your case, contact the law offices of William C head today for a free, no-obligation consultation. (404) 567-5515.