Drug Crime Lawyer: Hiring the Best Drug Attorney in Atlanta

By: Cory Yager, ex-police officer and now Drug Defense Attorney for accused Georgia citizens and a Criminal Defense Attorney, Drug Charges
Looking for an Attorney for Drug Charges near me? As is the case with most states, the State of Georgia does not take criminal charges for drug offenses lightly. Neither do the federal prosecutors with the United States Attorney's office.
The feds can take over a possession with intent to distribute or trafficking federal drugs case and prosecute under federal law. In these cases, you'll need a federal drug crime lawyer with a reputation for being the best drug defense lawyer.
History has proven that addictive substances that tend to render its addicts useless as members of the workforce cause great economic harm. Under Georgia law, decades of imprisonment for large quantity trafficking, sale or transporting illegal drugs is possible, for violations of the Georgia Controlled Substances Act, or VGCSA, which is the acronym for a violation of the Georgia Controlled Substances Act.
Wikipedia has an excellent, short history of how drug addiction and its impact on nations has helped create international cooperation to stop trafficking of many drugs and marijuana. Drug trafficking is viewed by lawmakers in all countries as a serious crime.
Penalties imposed in some counties in Asia and the Middle East can include execution, or life in prison with no chance of parole or probation. The challenge for a drug crimes lawyer in those countries is to keep their client off death row.
Like America, most nations worldwide look at the type of drug involved (and its classification for “harm” within the country into which it is being trafficked), the quantity trafficked, where the drugs are sold and how they are distributed. When firearms are present or the drugs are sold to young people that are identified in each jurisdiction’s statutes, then the penalties for drug trafficking crimes may be even more severe than in other circumstances.
Much of the crime in Atlanta GA is somehow connected to drugs, and law enforcement knows this connection to our crime rate. To get an idea of the severity of sentencing in drug trafficking cases, go to the comprehensive article on penalties for any criminal offense pertaining to drug crimes written by our GA lawyers (see bottom links).
Senior partner William Head has a member of NORML for over a decade. The marijuana defense attorney is an advocate of legalization of recreational marijuana in Georgia due to the far less serious harm and related financial costs caused by marijuana users that those who commit crimes while imbibing alcohol.

What is the GA Controlled Substance Act? This is the name of the comprehensive set of laws proscribing various types of drug crimes in the Peach State. If accused of violating these laws, you need to retain one of our drug crime lawyers near me.
Starting with the most benign misdemeanor weed law, Georgia possession less than an ounce of marijuana (under 28 grams) and going up to serious felony Atlanta drug trafficking crimes that can put an offender in state prison for life, the various statutory provisions are all outlined under GA drug laws. An Atlanta drug crime lawyer is needed to defend these cases, without any question.
Georgia drug trafficking cases. Drug trafficking laws are those statutes that criminalize the acts of any person who “sells, manufactures, delivers, or brings into this state or who is in possession” of certain identified drugs and substances. Similar laws making it a felony crime to engage in cultivation, manufacture, distribution, and sale of illicit drugs exist in almost every nation.
Except as allowed through doctors’ prescriptions, all nations “control” any sale or use of these types of dangerous drugs. In the United States, marijuana trafficking is the substance for which the most lenient sentencing guidelines may be available in Georgia under OCGA 16-13-31. This is partly due to the fact than many daily marijuana users do work for a living, and most heroin addicts do not.
Do I need to Hire a Drug Trafficking Attorney? Yes. With draconian prison terms and (in some jurisdictions) with no chance for early release, accused offenders have everything on the line. For certain categories and classes of drug crimes, if found guilty of these drug offenses, serious prison time is the norm, especially for any repeat offenses.
it is essential for the accused to seek aggressive criminal lawyers Atlanta GA who can assert their rights (like Miranda rights) and pursue fairness from the judicial system. Because our firm provides a free lawyer consultation, you can talk with a private drug crime attorney near me at no cost.
Drug lawyers near me like ex-cop Cory Yager, an award-winning Atlanta criminal defense lawyer who know both sides of criminal law. If you count his police and legal careers together, that is 24+ years of criminal case involvement, which is a great background for a top-rated drug trafficking lawyer.
With mandatory minimum sentencing in place for drug related crimes, looking for decades of experience (or more) in a drug crime attorney is imperative. Think about how much more valuable it will be to hire a drug charge lawyer near me who has been a police office for a decade before becoming a criminal drug lawyer. This is the right background for finding the best drug crime lawyer near me.

Because many of criminal law cases are lost by clients “talking” to police, and the phone calls of clients to or from jail (which are ALL recorded) our law firm does not count on your prior drug charge attorney to have advised you of your legal rights. Follow the link to this video on legal advice when suspected of any crime, and the rules should be memorized.

Even those who are not first offenders often do not get PREVENTIVE legal instructions (on what NOT to say to police when confronted) from their prior drug defense lawyer. Our criminal law attorneys make a POINT to educate our clients when we meet them in person. Atlanta drug crimes lawyer Larry Kohn has been defending these difficult felony cases since 1998 as a drug crime defense lawyer.
Best Criminal Lawyer Near Me in GA for a Drug Trafficking ChargeTo learn how a drug lawyer in Georgia that is also a top criminal defense lawyer can make a big difference, call today at 404-567-5515 for a free consultation. To help safeguard your access to justice and team up with a criminal defender who will respect and defend your rights following an arrest, contact us at our law office to find the right GA attorney to be your Atlanta criminal lawyer.

- Can Drug Dealers be Charged with Murder after a Heroin Overdose?
- VGCSA Consequences of misdemeanor or felony case drug convictions
- Georgia Controlled Substance Schedules
- Drug Offenses in GA
- What to Expect if caught with drugs but not charged?
- Drug Possession Laws: How to Beat a Drug Trafficking Charge in Georgia with a Criminal Attorney Atlanta