Roswell DUI Attorney: Top DUI Lawyer Roswell GA is Ex-Cop
By: Roswell GA Ticket Attorney Larry Kohn, Partner at Kohn & Yager LLC for your Roswell DUI defense
In search of top Roswell GA traffic ticket attorneys? Finding a criminal defense attorney Roswell GA who regularly appears in our firm's Roswell traffic court cases is not that easy. But our three Roswell traffic lawyers consider the Courtroom in Roswell City Hall to be our "home court."

The opening of GA 400 in the early 1990s made Roswell grow by bringing traffic over the Chattahoochee River, and our traffic ticket lawyers were already there. In fact William Head lived in both Horseshoe Bend and Martin's Landing during those days, and was already known as the best DUI attorney in Roswell GA.
Back in those days (1991), Cory Yager was still working in Marietta as a Cobb County Police Officer. Later, he moved to the Roswell Police Department, and was a field training officer. Now he is a full partner with Mr. Head and Larry Kohn, with over 15 years of law practice experience now making him the best traffic lawyer Roswell.
Most people accused of impaired driving understand that driving under the influence charges in the Peach State are serious business, in all cases. Jail time is possible, even on a DUI 1st offense, and a permanent criminal record would haunt a person for his or her lifetime. Our DUI law book co-authors are the "go-to" Roswell traffic tickets lawyers in 2023.

Our three (3) Roswell area DUI attorneys usually are able to obtain a favorable outcome for these types of Roswell arrests. Often, Roswell traffic tickets being issued after a car accident or when a Roswell traffic citation is issued.
Such cases involving arrests Roswell GA are exactly the type of criminal cases our law firm handles. Once we receive the call from a prospective client, we take immediate steps to protect the person's right to drive (since most people's plastic license is taken). Next, our lawyers for DUI near me start looking for errors made during the arrest process.
Most DUI Arrests in Georgia will create An Immediate Driver License Suspension
Any suspected DUI driver who refused to allow police to collect a post-arrest alcohol breath test or a blood test (that can detect either alcohol or drug levels) will only have 30 days to protect their driving privileges. The Georgia law that pertains to this suspension of driver's license for refusing the post-arrest DUI testing is called the Georgia implied consent law." Many clients with a "refusal" to test may have to install an ignition interlock device (IID), if eligible under GA laws.
If you are arrested in Roswell and charged with DUI, it is essential to immediately contact a competent lawyer with extensive familiarity to the Roswell Court. One highly critical issue is that every DUI arrest starts a 30-day "clock" ticking down on your ALS (administrative license suspension) that applies to almost EVERY DUI arrest in GA.

Our legal team monitors all client calls 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to make certain you receive timely help to NOT BE SUSPENDED after a DUI in GA. Dial us at 404-567-5515 to receive your free lawyer consultation about whether you are eligible for the IID permit option, under OCGA 40-5-64.1.
Need a traffic attorney in Roswell GA? For some people, a Roswell first time speeding ticket is highly important to fight. Plus, for all Roswell arrests, being taken into custody signifies a possible loss of driving privileges, if convicted (for some drivers).
Georgia DUI offenses cannot be expunged from a person's record, once convicted --- EVER! Any DUI conviction causes individuals with bright futures to think twice about allowing this permanent blemish to be placed on their lifetime driving history and criminal record.
Why DUI Defense Roswell is So Important
The specter of a lifetime impediment on your criminal record brings us to the task at hand. Since you need to "lawyer up" and fight to win, who are you going to trust for your defense, especially on a DUI charge under O.C.G.A. 40-6-391?

For high achiever clients, a DUI conviction will inevitably hinder their future aspirations. Remember that every City of Roswell traffic ticket is a misdemeanor crime, but that driving under the influence is a serious motor vehicle crime for which expunction is IMPOSSIBLE in Georgia.
The three criminal lawyers at our law office are all experts in criminal law. In being criminal attorneys, includes being traffic violation lawyers since ALL motor vehicle "moving violations" are misdemeanor crimes, including an ordinary, Roswell first time speeding ticket.
Yet, all 3 law team members of our legal team came from diverse backgrounds and prior jobs to become 5-star attorneys Roswell GA. This diversity of backgrounds actually helps our law office decide which of our three attorneys best fits each new client's pending criminal case.

One of our law partners, however, really stands out when it comes to being a top-rated traffic ticket attorney in Roswell GA. That criminal attorney near me is Roswell GA DUI lawyer Cory Yager. He had been trained in "accident reconstruction," and (when an officer in Cobb County and later in Roswell GA) investigated hundreds of Roswell GA traffic accidents.
Roswell DUI lawyer Cory Yager, before joining our law firm in 2007, was a DUI cop Roswell, when he worked as a police officer and a field training officer (FTO). Being an FTO is significant because that means that the Roswell Police Department entrusted him to be one of their trainers of new police officers.
When it comes to a D.U.I. case in Roswell, GA no Georgia lawyer knows more about DUI arrests in that city than any of their former police officers. Mr. Yager was the arresting officer on hundreds of Roswell Georgia DUI arrests. Along with his partners, you'll have 89 cumulative years of legal experience backing you up!
Regardless of which criminal lawyer from our legal team of our 3 Roswell lawyers handles your City of Roswell GA traffic court case, the law professional from Kohn & Yager LLC (K&Y) will have your best interests in mind. In all aspects of your case, your legal advocate will consult with you regarding the criminal court case.

How our Lawyers Near Me Choose between Roswell Municipal Court and Fulton State Court
When your misdemeanor case starts in a municipal court, Georgia's municipal courts don't conduct jury trials. This allows our attorneys to get "two bites at the apple."
By that, we mean that your legal warrior can advise you about the strategy for resolving your pending case in Roswell Municipal Court., versus sending it to Fulton County to "start over" with efforts to find a great solution. Fulton is the Roswell GA County "jury trial" court for misdemeanor or felony criminal cases.
Getting a City of Roswell ticket reduced. A criminal law traffic case transfer may occur for strategic reasons, like obtaining a jury trial. Our defense attorney may decide to move your case to an accountability court for resolution.

This decision will be based on looking at the evidence and your criminal and driving records. In addition, more than a dozen other reasons for such a transfer may be the compelling basis for binding over to the State Court of Fulton County.
The Georgia DUI Trial Practice Manual. Why not trust the one and only law firm in Georgia with the three co-authors of the State's leading book on DUI laws in Georgia?
The author of this article, Cory Yager, Larry Kohn, and legendary Atlanta criminal lawyer Bubba Head write that 1400-page book, published by the world's largest legal publisher, Thomson-Reuters. Mr. Head wrote his first book on DUI laws and how to beat a DUI in 1991!

Why Not Hire the Best? You Only Get One Shot at Winning
Get a free consultation with an award-winning DUI lawyer by calling 404-567-5515. If you need time to pay our legal fees, ask our DUI attorneys about a monthly payment plan during the consultation.
Without question, the defense cost of a City of Roswell speeding ticket price versus a serious misdemeanor crime like hit and run GA or attempting to elude a police officer will differ widely. That is because so much more "time" must be invested by the criminal defense attorney in the more serious traffic crimes that have mandatory jail time. But our legal team does allow reasonable legal fee payment plans.
Our lawyers for DUI near me have the best DUI lawyers in GA with the expertise, training, private investigators, expert witnesses, and the extensive courtroom experience you need. Call us NOW for a free evaluation of your case.