First Offense DUI in Georgia: 1st Offense DUI Lawyer Near Me
By: Cory Yager, Larry Kohn, and William Head, co-authors of The Georgia DUI Trial Practice Manual 2024. This book is Georgia's top legal guide on DUI law.
Georgia DUI 1st Offense. Following their first time being put in handcuffs, citizens arrested for DUI in Georgia start their Internet search. Many arrested citizens facing 1st offence DUI charges type in Google questions like, "what is the cost of a DUI," or “is DUI a criminal offense?" or "how long does DUI stay on your record in GA?"
The most shocking answer that few want to hear is this one. A DUI in GA, even a 1st lifetime offense, LASTS FOREVER --- to the grave!
Life after DUI 1st offense GA. The unanswerable question "what is the average cost of first DUI" convictions comes down to what that person stands to lose. This page focuses on "what happens when you get a DUI for the first time."
Just to give you some idea about how little you knew about the crime of driving under the influence, watch this short video clip created by senior partner, William Head. For those who attempted the field sobriety tests, she or he will want to learn MORE about this common, serious traffic misdemeanor offense.
Another common online Google search inquiry is "how much does a D.U.I. cost over ten years?" That answer will vary significantly by virtue of what that convicted person does for a living. A commercial truck driver, for example, will be out of a job immediately. If later reinstated, to again get a CDL (commercial driver's license), that person will have a hard time (with many companies) to regain future employment as a big rig driver.
In addition, while Georgia DUI laws first offense seem to be harsh, any new offenses within the next 10 years (measured by dates of arrest) will make that DUI first offense GA seem like a cakewalk. To learn more about a 2nd DUI in GA, click on the foregoing link.
Low-income individuals who are not in a regulated profession, like doctors, lawyers, registered nurses, dental hygienists, firefighters, or police officers may not be so dramatically affected by being convicted of a 1st offense DUI in Georgia. A first conviction for a DUI will result in a permanent criminal record for driving under the influence and will be something that this convicted person has to "answer to" for the remainder of their life.
Why Fighting DUI Charges in Georgia is worth every penny. Wealthy individuals may lose everything if convicted of a first-time DUI and rely on a large monthly paycheck. For a first-time conviction of DUI, you could lose your federal securities license, be fired from your banking VP job, lose the alcohol pouring license for their restaurant or bar, or be blocked from traveling to Canada and other nations, which is part of your job requirements.
DUI in the State of Georgia. So, people with high ambitions and potential for a promising career in politics or business cannot accept the minimum sentence for a first DUI in Georgia. Because a conviction of ANY DUI GA law can NEVER be removed, once in place, this single issue justifies fighting your pending case by every means available.
Do you lose your license for first DUI in Georgia? Yes, 100% of those convicted lose their license immediately, as soon as that conviction is entered on your record. The State of Georgia DUI laws are the same as all other states, due to N.H.T.S.A. pushing all states to take away the driver's license as a mandatory minimum punishment.
Is there Jail Time for DUI in Georgia? Yes, in virtually every case in which that driver is convicted. If you have a DUI Atlanta GA (or in ANY other place in the Peach State) call us FIRST, to learn how to protect your ability to keep driving. Our job, if hired, is not allow a DUI conviction in Georgia for ANY of our clients, if at all possible.
Many online questions focus on DUI punishments. People charged with drunk driving seek online information about what happens for your first offence DUI conviction, such as "how likely is jail time for first DUI?" or "Georgia DUI penalties" or "when can a first DUI conviction be expunged?"
Less significant DUI punishments like having to attend DUI school, having to complete 40 hours of community service, or paying fines and court costs are insignificant compared to a LIFETIME conviction on your criminal history.
Most DUI Arrests Have an IMMEDIATE Need for Legal GuidanceIf your plastic driver's license was taken after arrest, and you were issued a paper "limited driving permit," you MUST act within 30 days of the arrest date, or be suspended from ALL DRIVING for a full year. This is a HARD deadline --- if you miss the deadline, you are facing 12 months of NO DRIVING.
WARNING: A pending first DUI offense case also has a license suspension aspect, that needs immediate attention. The sooner you call, the better your chances are that you can keep driving.
If you Get a First Offense DUI license suspension. If convicted of DUI, that Georgia licensee (if an adult age -- 21 or older) can get a limited driving permit for 120 days, and then apply to get his or her full license reinstated. To get reinstated, the person must first complete the Risk Reduction course.
Those who fail to ACT within 30 DAYS are at risk of NOT BEING ALLOWED TO DRIVE FOR A FULL YEAR! Remember that this applies to a first-offense DUI conviction, but that a second offense DUI will be much more punitive.
For a 1st DUI offender, she or he may be eligible for a limited driving permit, so long as she or he was age 21 or older at the time of the conviction. This expires in 12 months, though.
Others may be on their 12-month ignition interlock device restricted license (usually because they refused the post-arrest testing requested by the arresting officer immediately for DUI at the roadside). For many of these drivers, the looming threat of a full one-year total suspension pushes them to install an IID (ignition interlock device) on one vehicle, under OCGA 40-5-64.1.
Once that IID expires, that driver would not have anything else to drive on, unless he or she completed the Risk Reduction course and obtained a new driver's license. Until she or he completes the 20-hour Risk Reduction program in Georgia, that convicted person is NEVER eligible to get a new driver's license in the Peach State.
Our 1400-page Book on Georgia Law on DUI. For a FREE lawyer consultation on this emergency issue, call our legal team members at 404-567-5515. After all, our three law partners are the co-authors of Georgia's leading book on GA DUI laws.
Legal limit alcohol Georgia. Those with a blood alcohol concentration over the legal alcohol limit in GA (0.08 grams percent for adult drivers age 21 and over) are facing possible jail time, since the law requires not less than 24 hours behind bars.
Georgia Zero Tolerance for those under age 21. Those DUI drivers under the age of 21 are controlled by a Georgia zero tolerance law, which states that any reading of 0.02 gr. %, or more is a per se DUI. This would take about half a beer or glass of wine for most female drinkers.
The simple answer is "hire the best lawyers" with winning track records. With many thousands of success stories fighting a DUI in Atlanta Georgia, our partners know hundreds
ways to win these tough cases.
Now that you know more about DUI consequences Georgia, simple questions like "How much is a DUI in Georgia" are meaningless questions. Any O.C.G.A. DUI conviction---even a first lifetime offense---remains for LIFE!
So, why not call the lawyers who write the leading book on Georgia DUI laws? Who knows more about DUI laws in GA than the guys who wrote the BOOK?
Yes, that is our legal team. The 1400-page book is purchased by other DUI defense attorneys, prosecutors, judges, and probation offices, because it covers all current legal defenses and cases in the Peach State. Plus, we co-author OTHER legal books, too.