
Norcross DUI Lawyers

Few instances in your life can be as intimidating or as frightening as going to court for a criminal matter. For many people, this is their only negative interaction with their local police department and court system, and it is understandable to be confused and concerned about the harsh potential repercussions for a criminal conviction in Norcross.

Since prosecutors could levy significant punishments for even misdemeanor-level offenses, it could be extremely important for you to take every possible precaution to protect your rights and reputations. A Norcross criminal lawyer may be able to help you present a powerful defense in court and guide you through Georgia’s criminal justice system. Get in touch with an experienced defense attorney today.

Crime Classifications Levels

Georgia separates accusations of criminal activity into two main categories. This classification determines where a criminal case would be heard and what the potential punishments may be for a conviction.


Misdemeanor cases are handled in the Gwinnett County State Court. Common examples of misdemeanor-level charges include:

  • First-offense DUI without aggravating factors such as extreme intoxication or personal injury ( C.G.A. §40-6-391 )
  • Simple assault (O.C.G.A. 16-5-20)
  • Disorderly conduct (O.C.G.A. 16-11-39)

All misdemeanor-level charges can be punished by a maximum jail term of one year. In addition, the court may order a person to pay a fine of up to $1,000, unless the act in question is classified as “high and aggravated,” in which case the maximum fine may rise to $5,000. A conviction for a high and aggravated misdemeanor is also more likely to result in a jail sentence than a common misdemeanor.


Felony allegations, which are more serious than misdemeanors, are handled exclusively in Gwinnett County Superior Court. The law defines a felony as any crime where the maximum penalty is more than one year. Many allegations carry mandatory minimum prison terms as sentences and can even result in life imprisonment.

What Could Someone Expect in a Norcross Court?

Every stage of a criminal case could be vitally important to a person’s future. As soon as an arrest is made, the police will typically begin to gather evidence and attempt to get the defendant to confess.

When the defendant first appears in court for an arraignment, they are at the mercy of the prosecuting attorney, who may also push the defendant to admit guilt and secure a conviction. Even if a defendant does deny guilt, the court may still impose harsh bail conditions that could keep a defendant in jail for the length of the trial.

A Norcross criminal lawyer could help protect people from day one. They could visit charged individuals who are still in police custody to prevent coercive questioning, represent them in court to argue for reduced bail, and present a cogent defense on their behalf.

Contact a Norcross Criminal Defense Attorney Today

Any criminal charge, no matter how seemingly minor, could be cause for concern. The laws in Norcross allow a conviction for even a simple misdemeanor to result in heavy fines, a jail sentence, and the creation of a criminal record, which means the stakes are almost always high.

Fortunately, a Norcross criminal lawyer could work to protect you from aggressive prosecutors, file motions to exclude evidence that police illegally collect, and present a powerful defense to a jury. The sooner that you contact an attorney, the quicker they could get to work for you. Call today to schedule a consultation.

Client Reviews
Great lawyer helped me out a lot. Very attentive, made me feel comfortable and at ease!! Really knows his stuff - would use him anytime. M.L.
Mr. Larry Kohn could not have been more helpful. I sent him a message for a free consultation, and unfortunately my case had to be handled in another state. But he completely walked me through everything I needed to do, and even offered to assist the lawyer I did find in Virginia should they need help with my case. Jamie V.
Mr. Kohn is just amazing. He is truthful and realistic when explaining potential outcomes of your case and doesn’t force you to hire him or anything. When I met him, he went through everything about the case and ways to fight it off first before even telling me about his services. He got my case dismissed and kept me out of a lot of potential problems with school applications and future job opportunities. I highly recommend him to anyone. Anurag G.
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