Did you know that the accumulation of license points can quickly result in a license suspension? Upon conviction of any traffic violation, the Georgia DDS (Department of Driver Services) will record “Points” on your driving history. With a sufficient number of points in a short period of time, your license CAN be suspended, cancelled or revoked. Drivers under age 21 will lose the right with four or more points, whereas adult drivers are permitted 15 points in a 24 month period before they suffer a suspension. The “points” system is followed in most states, and is intended to reduce unlawful use of the roadways.
The DDS is authorized to suspend your license if its records or other evidence shows that you have accumulated 15 points within 24 months under the point system, including violations committed out of state.
Points are accumulated for: | |
Reckless Driving | 4 points |
Unlawful passing school bus | 6 points |
Improper passing on hill or curve | 4 points |
Speeding | |
15 mph but less than 19 mph 19 mph but less than 24 mph 24 mph but less than 34 mph 34 mph or more | 2 points 3 points 4 points 6 points |
Disobedience of any traffic-control device or traffic officer | 3 points |
Possessing an open container of an alcoholic beverage while driving | 2 points |
Failure to adequately secure a load | 2 points |
All other moving violations | 3 points |
Child restraint – 1st offense | 1 point |
Child restraint – 2nd and subsequent offense | 2 points |
Aggressive driving (A conviction of aggressive driving by a person under 21 years of age will result in a suspension of the driver’s license.) | 6 points |
HOV lane violation – 4th and subsequent offense. | 1 point |
Points are a means of identifying “problem drivers” at the State level. Georgia’s point system is a simple way to track and “rate” the severity of any Georgia-licensed driver’s citations. Other indirect consequences of accumulating license points can occur, including higher insurance rates, having difficulty obtaining coverage, and a requirement to take time-consuming and expensive driver education courses.
License SuspensionIf a motorist accrues 15 points within a 24 month period, the DDS will automatically suspend their license. Out of state violations also count towards the total amount of points. Any of the following convictions may result in a suspended license for drivers under 21: racing, reckless driving, 4 or more points from improper passing or unlawful passing of a school bus, exceeding speed limit by 24 or more miles per hour, aggressive driving, first offense DUI license suspension, eluding an officer, misrepresenting I.D. or age, hit and run, or purchasing alcohol. Those under 21 face even stricter guidelines. For drivers under 18, only 4 points from any violation will result in a suspension.
Suspension, cancellation, and revocation times will vary greatly based on the number of points accumulated, severity of the incidents, and any repeat offences. The DDS takes all of this into consideration before determining if a license should be suspended shortly, or revoked for a number of years.
License ReinstatementYou may contact the Department Of Driver Services 678-413-8400, or toll-free 866-754-3687 if calling from outside metro-Atlanta. Representatives are available Monday through Friday, 8:00 am until 4:15 pm to assist with reinstatement questions.
You may also submit a letter requesting reinstatement requirements to: Georgia Department of Driver Services, Post Office Box 80447, Conyers, Ga. 30013. This request must contain your name as it appears on your driver’s license, license number, date of birth, correct mailing address, and your signature.
Additionally, you may visit one of the Department of Driver Services Customer Service Centers.