Prostitution is the act of offering a sexual act for payment. Solicitation, on the other hand, is an act whereby someone seeks sexual services in exchange for money.
Should you be charged with either solicitation or prostitution, you should reach out to an experienced Alpharetta prostitution lawyer as soon as possible. Call a determined criminal defense attorney today who is dedicated to defending your liberties and protecting your rights.
Penalties for Prostitution in GeorgiaGeorgia has harsh penalties for both sexual solicitation and prostitution. All offers or acceptances of sexual relations in exchange for any form of remuneration is illegal. The person who does the offering of payment can be charged with pandering, even in cases where there was no actual sexual conduct. Anyone that is involved in a prostitution operation in any manner can be found guilty of illegal actions. For example, the illegality extends to procuring sexual services, to profiting from the operation, to operating a brothel. Prostitution laws extend to individuals of any gender and age. A qualified Alpharetta prostitution attorney can attempt to mitigate the charges that an individual might face.
Types of ProstitutionToday, prostitution is not limited to dark, back alleys. In Nevada, for example, there are brothels that are regulated by the government. Online, there are virtual hookups websites and applications. There are also sex hotlines and online sexual fantasies to the extent that prostitution remains almost everywhere, including Alpharetta. Payments can be made absolutely anyplace. Regardless of the payment method, prostitution remains a criminal offense in the state of Georgia that is prosecuted aggressively.
Georgia Prostitution LawsIn the state of Georgia, prostitution is the consent, offer, or performance of a sexual act for money. Related crimes include:
Pandering is when someone solicits a sexual act for money, or getting people together for the purpose of having a place for prostitution. Masturbation for hire is stimulation to the genitals of another via bodily contact or any other means other than through sexual intercourse for money.
Pimping involves arranging, procuring, or offering prostitution. Pimps may engage others for assistance in deriving financial gain from prostitution. Giving massages in place of prostitution occurs when there are massages offered in a place that is also engaging in lewd conduct, masturbation for hire, or prostitution.
Solicitation is an act where one person pays another to give some form of sexual pleasure. When someone seeks another person who is under the age of 17 for engaging in any form of prostitution, the offense is a felony. Keeping a place of prostitution occurs when someone controls or consents to the use of a particular place for acts of prostitution.
Contact an Alpharetta Prostitution Attorney TodayThe punishments for any form of prostitution are truly serious, and the impact is lifelong. If you have been charged with any form of prostitution, our experienced Alpharetta prostitution lawyers are ready to assist in defending you against all criminal charges.
Any delay in engaging legal representation could mean the admission of damaging evidence, and potentially, the loss of your freedom. Sex offenders are generally ostracized, and face significant hurdles to housing, employment, and acceptance by the community at large. An Alpharetta prostitution lawyer, however, will fight for your rights and to protect your reputation.