Ticket for Failure to Maintain Lane Georgia?

Failure to maintain lane GA means not keeping your vehicle entirely within a single lane or changing lanes without first ensuring it’s safe to do so. This traffic offense is defined under OCGA 40-6-48 (OCGA Failure to Maintain Lane).

A common reason GA police pull you over for this traffic violation is when you briefly touch or cross lane lines. It’s often used as a reason to initiate traffic stops and begin a possible DUI investigation. A police officer must have a legal reason beyond general suspicion for detaining you and your vehicle.nvestigations. The officer might ask the driver to blow into a small device to check their blood alcohol level. If the officer suspects driver impairment, he or she will ask the driver to step ou

Law enforcement officers often associate this misdemeanor charge with DUI Per Se and DUI Less Safe it of the car and perform field sobriety tests.

Other traffic violations that are commonly charged after a traffic stop are speeding, improper lane change, and reckless driving. If you have these charges, call our traffic ticket lawyers at (404) 567-5515 if you are fighting a failure to maintain lane ticket. You can learn about your upcoming court appearance during your free consultation.

Our clients tell us all the time that the police observed their brake light was out, or they had an expired tag, or due to a failure to maintain lane they were pulled over. It is wise to make sure all equipment on your car or truck is working properly, and to not drive faster than the posted speed limit.

Atlanta criminal defense lawyer Larry Kohn received an AVVO Client's Choice Award for outstanding legal representation on cases including failure to maintain lane.

Penalties for Failure to Maintain Lane Ticket

The failure to maintain lane GA fine amount is up to $1,000, plus you will have to pay court costs and fees. Fines can vary across different courts and jurisdictions, but they generally fall within the range of $125 to $185.

How many points is a failure to maintain lane in Georgia? The answer is 3 points will be added to your driving record. Jail time up to 12 months is rare but the facts in your case may warrant incarceration if convicted. Failure to maintain lane points GA can impact the cost of your auto insurance for years.

The fine for a ticket for failure to maintain lane in Georgia can vary depending on where in the metro Atlanta area you were pulled over. Here are some specific examples:

  • City of Snellville: The fine for failure to maintain lane is $125, or $150 if there is an accident involved.
  • Athens-Clarke County: The fine for failure to maintain lane is $185.

The cost of traffic citation for failure to maintain lane Georgia can change every year, and a top-rated traffic attorney will be up-to-date on the correct fine amount.

Possible Defenses

Our traffic ticket lawyers will investigate if any of the below reasons for drifting out of your lane are true:

Lack of clear lane markings (worn out stripes, temporary construction confusion)

Emergency situations forcing you to leave your lane (you pulled over when you heard a siren)

Challenging the officer’s observations

Arguing the movement was safe and necessary

Try to gather any evidence that might support your case like cell phone photos, your dash camera, or witness statements). Bring these items to your free lawyer consultation, along with your traffic citations especially if other charges are involved.

Remember, the specific circumstances of your case will determine the best course of action. If you’re concerned about potential consequences or additional charges, it’s advisable to consult with a local traffic attorney.You can contest the ticket in court. It’s generally advisable to appear in court rather than just paying the fine online, as paying is considered a guilty plea.

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