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Atlanta DUI Lawyer: What to Do at a GA DUI Traffic Stop

At no time have the schools in Georgia given their students information on what to do or NOT do, if confronted by police. This is true for high schools, colleges, and technical schools. This maxim is particularly critical to traffic cases, as well as being valid if approached on foot by an officer.

This blog posting covers traffic stop encounters in which a driving under the influence case is suspected. Because you will never be permitted to delay a police investigation to call the best DUI lawyer Atlanta, knowing this information can save your driver’s license. Furthermore, it may prevent a lifetime conviction for a DUI charge from blemishing your criminal history.

Atlanta DUI Lawyer Larry Kohn
By: Larry Kohn, Georgia Super Lawyer, AVVO Superstar DUI Attorney and member of Best Law Firms in America

Starting in 1970, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), the federal government began doling out funding equal to today’s equivalent of about $5 million during a 28-year period. The impetus for doing this came to them after receiving a young woman’s California Ph.D. student’s psychology thesis on this topic in 1970.

Their goal was to come up with some simple-to-do, roadside standardized field sobriety tests (SFSTs). The federal agency’s goal was to create a method of standardizing these police officers’ roadside tests, by conducting research and gathering statistical studies on group performance of sober and drinking subjects.

By: Cory Yager, Partner in Criminal Defense Law Firm Based in Metro Atlanta

June 10, 2021 closes out the 45th year in law practice for criminal defense lawyer William “Bubba” Head. The Columbus GA native has authored or co-authored over a dozen law books, and still co-authors the leading treatise on Georgia DUI laws, The Georgia DUI Trial Practice Manual.

Georgia DUI Trial Practice Manual
The criminal justice lawyer graduated from the University of Georgia School of Law a few days prior to being sworn in as a member of the Georgia Bar. He currently leads our criminal defense firm and helps daily in speaking to citizens who have been arrested and are facing criminal charges in any part of the Peach State. Repeatedly, he has been listed in almost every lawyer ratings directory as one of Georgia’s top criminal lawyers for the last quarter century or more.

Court-related GA DUI Consequences

1. DUI Convictions in Georgia are FOREVER – no expunction law in GA (can’t be removed from record and a conviction will NOT “age” off). You take it to the GRAVE.

2. Mandatory probation which will be for one year minus any days in jail for misdemeanor offenses; five years of probation required for felony 4th (or more) offense in 10 years (minus any prison time served).

#1. A Georgia DUI ALS is an administrative license suspension of your driver’s license. It is a separate procedure from your criminal trial. The GA DDS will suspend your license on the 31st calendar day after your drunk driving arrest IF you do not file an appeal within the first 30 calendar days.

#2. You can now elect to have an ignition interlock (IID) installed on your vehicle instead of filing for an appeal of your Georgia driver’s license suspension.

You only have 30 days after your first offence DUI arrest date to apply for an ignition interlock at your local Georgia Department of Driver Services (DDS) office but talk to an experienced DUI lawyer before taking this option.

Invaluable list of 101 specific, proven tips on how to get out of a DUI charge – from Mr. Head’s Book

Although this book is currently out of print, Mr. Head has set forth below the list of the 101 Ways to beat a DUI from his book. A skilled criminal defense lawyer should be able to “translate” these for you, if a specific DUI defense matches up to your case’s facts. Experience in the “battlefield” (the courtroom) is where a top-rated DUI lawyer learns these methods, and comes to know the ways on how to NOT get a DUI conviction.

Find one of the best DUI-DWI lawyers in YOUR state now. Call toll-free 844-832-6384 day or night, 7 days a week.

When police officers are convinced that they are right about an arrest decision, being able to prove the error of the officer’s arrest decision can be daunting. Officers are trained in how to write reports that will pass muster of a supervisory officer, and get approval from a ranking officer. Likewise, officers are trained on how to give courtroom testimony to support their written reports and investigations.

We hear of highly-publicized exonerations of innocent citizens through news reports from The Innocence Project or on TV documentaries, but these are almost always murder cases, which seem to mesmerize and captivate the viewing public. The place where the most wrongful arrests take place, by 100 fold, is in the field of impaired driving arrests. Many police departments have specialized “task forces” for interdiction of DUI-DWI drivers, and often these squads have quotas or “standards” that have to be met in order for the unit to not have to repay federal grant money for low-yield arrest results of the task force.

Even when an officer has made errors for an arrest decision or has jumped to a conclusion that is not clearly supported by the driving conduct, the physical “manifestation” evidence or possibly from witness statements, prosecutors are sometimes unwilling to sift through the questionable evidence to make an independent “call” about the sufficiency of the police officer’s DUI-DWI case. Far too often, the prosecutor takes the arresting officer’s report and summary of the evidence at face value, without digging deeper to see if the officer’s report is contradicted by other, more credible evidence available to the prosecutor. This deferral to the officer’s decision is especially prevalent in cases brought by officers assigned to a DUI task force.

The State Police of Michigan have announced a Labor Day Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over anti-drunk driving campaign.

The 2016 annual state-wide joint DUI task force campaign is already underway, and continues through September 5, 2016.  For this particular campaign, Michigan State Police are joining with local and county police and Sheriff departments to maximize drunk driving patrols.

According to the National Highway Safety Administration’s Standardized Field Sobriety Training Manual, as many as 10 percent of drivers on the road during late night and weekend hours may be driving while intoxicated.  During certain holidays the figure may go even higher.  Furthermore, that a typical drunk driving offender drives drunk about 80 times per year.