
Articles Posted in Uncategorized


DUI-DWI: 10 Reasons to NOT Submit to a Field Sobriety Test

By: Larry Kohn, Georgia Super Lawyer, AVVO Superstar DUI Attorney and member of Best Law Firms in America Starting in 1970, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), the federal government began doling out funding equal to today’s equivalent of about $5 million during a 28-year period. The impetus for…


Michigan State Police Labor Day Drive Sober Campaign Underway

The State Police of Michigan have announced a Labor Day Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over anti-drunk driving campaign. The 2016 annual state-wide joint DUI task force campaign is already underway, and continues through September 5, 2016.  For this particular campaign, Michigan State Police are joining with local and county police and…