An Overview of The Criminal Defense Process in Georgia

If you are fighting criminal charges, it is vital to comprehend the intricacies of the many criminal defense procedures and tactics. Within Georgia’s legal framework, offenses are differentiated into felonies and misdemeanors, and each statutory enactment will provide the range of the potential penalties if convicted.

Georgia criminal lawyer Larry Kohn has over 25 years of courtroom experience where he defends clients accused of DUI, sex crimes, assault and battery, and theft.

The commencement of this process is marked by charging the accused party, which then leads to their arraignment and initial hearings in court. Retaining a competent Atlanta criminal defense attorney is instrumental in guiding defendants through these proceedings while meticulously managing all necessary documentation and minimizing errors.

Enlisting an Atlanta criminal attorney can facilitate swifter case settlements and more favorable results due to their proficiency in maneuvering through the legal labyrinth, and adapting strategies that align with that individual client’s “best case” scenarios. These legal professionals play a key role in ensuring that clients exercise their right to remain silent and learn what judicial expectations will be (if a client testifies, which is rare) and to know which experts may be needed to cast doubt on the reliability of the State’s evidence against our client.

The best criminal lawyer in Atlanta can offer crucial insight about your prosecutor’s office policies. More importantly, your legal warrior can outline the nature of your charges, plus possible lesser included offenses, as well as any likely penalty repercussions that our client may face.

Pre-Trial Procedures in Most Cases

The pre-trial phase is a pivotal element in the criminal defense arena. Securing a defense attorney promptly after an arrest can lead to the revelation of crucial evidence and inconsistencies that may greatly aid the defense strategy.

The arraignment, whicdh occurs early n the case, is when defendants officially answer to charges (meaning that they plead guilt, or not guilty). Because the case is so new, almost 100% of represented clients enter a plea of not guilty.

In most cases, your lawyer can handle the arraignment without you having to go to court. After arraignment, both the prosecution and the defense can engage in the “discovery” process, sharing certain pertinent information required for trial preparation, such as our lists of witnesses, if a trial happens later.

Key elements within this pretrial stage may also include conferences where legal representatives from both sides communicate with our assigned judge on matters concerning evidence presentation. If pre-trial motions must be heard, this requires scheduling and getting on the Judge’s calendar for a time to have these motions heard and ruled upon.

These important parts of a criminal case are why employing legal representation soon after arrest can be highly impactful. Experienced criminal attorneys near me will be trying to identify our side’s best angles to exclude certain evidence and pinpoint and tackle certain evidentiary issues before the case moves toward a potential trial.

Trial Representation if No Favorable Plea Bargain Can Be Reached

The profound skill set of a criminal defense attorney becomes exceptionally apparent during trial representation. At this phase, the defendant is afforded an opportunity to introduce evidence and witness testimony in their favor.

The adept handling of such evidence can profoundly influence how the jury views the case, potentially altering the verdict. An attorney well versed in courtroom intricacies will leverage that understanding to craft strategies aimed at influencing either judge or jury.

Atlanta criminal lawyers Larry Kohn, Cory Yager, and Bubba Head have a combined 90 years of courtroom experience defending clients facing DUI, sex crimes, and other criminal charges, both misdemeanor and felony.

A skilled defense attorney possessing robust expertise within the confines of a courtroom setting plays an indispensable role in delivering top-notch defense throughout trials. Their proficiency lies in communicating persuasively, formulating strategic plans swiftly, and articulating powerful arguments—all factors that could decisively impact how a case resolves.

Stay Updated on Criminal Defense Information That May Affect Your Jury Pool

At our Atlanta criminal defense law firm, our law partners are committed to staying up to date on the latest developments in the law. By being the legal book co-authors of several law books, we must always be current on changes to Georgia law.

Some recent topics we have covered include:

  • Changes to Georgia’s DUI Laws and Penalties: Stay informed about the latest modifications to DUI regulations and how they might affect your case.
  • New Developments in Federal Crimes and White-Collar Offenses: Learn about recent changes and trends in federal crime legislation and white-collar crime enforcement.
  • Updates on Juvenile Justice Reform and Youthful Offender Cases: Keep up with the latest reforms in juvenile justice and how they impact youthful offenders.
  • Tips for Navigating the Criminal Justice System: Gain valuable insights and practical advice on how to effectively navigate the complexities of the criminal justice system.
  • News and Updates On Our Firm and Our Attorneys: Stay connected with the latest news about cases that are like yours. If you face trial on a DUI accident case, and on TV people see a recent news story about a horrific crash including attorney fatalities, these publicized stories could taint our local jury pool.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Why is it important to hire an Experienced Criminal Defense Attorney in Atlanta?

Securing the services of an experienced Atlanta criminal defense attorney is vital, as they bring a wealth of legal system knowledge and are adept at developing effective defense strategies that significantly improve your prospects for a positive result.

  1. What Types of Criminal Charges does an Atlanta criminal lawyer handle?

Atlanta criminal attorneys handle various charges such as DUI, drug offenses, violent crimes, and theft. It’s important to consult a knowledgeable lawyer for effective representation in any of these areas.

  1. What should I Bring to a FREE consultation with my Criminal Defense Lawyer?

Bring any documents related to your case, including arrest records, charges, and correspondence from law enforcement, to facilitate a more personalized and effective consultation with your criminal defense attorney.

  1. How do I choose the Right criminal law attorney in Atlanta?

To choose the right criminal defense lawyer in Atlanta, prioritize the attorney’s experience, specialization in criminal law, and client testimonials, along with their ratings from reputable services like Super Lawyers, Best Lawyers in America, Martindale-Hubbell and AVVO. These factors will help ensure you select a qualified professional for your case.

What Are the Benefits of Negotiating a Plea Deal?

Opting for a plea deal can often result in the diminishment of charges or sanctions. This is a “known” outcome, whereas going to trial means that the Judge decides your punishment, within the “high” and “low” options that she or he has under Georgia criminal laws.

If a plea deal is offered by the Prosecutor and (possibly counteroffered by your defense attorney) taking that “negotiated” outcome lets you avoid the unpredictability of possibly receiving a more severe punishment. Such a tactical move may greatly alleviate the potential legal consequences that could arise.

However, such a deal takes away the opportunity to get a total “win” by a jury saying, “not guilty.” Because every client’s case is different as well as that Client’s personal standing and financial wherewithal is unique, these types of factors must be factored into any plea deal offer.

This Article Helps Potential Clients Understand the GA Legal Process

Kohn & Yager is an Atlanta criminal defense law firm led by lawyers Larry Kohn and Cory Yager. The firm was named one of the best law firms in Georgia by U.S. News & World Report.

Choosing the right attorney involves reviewing and considering their experience, specialization, and client reviews. Your case facts will significantly impact the defense strategy and case outcome, but you need lawyers who won’t cave in to a prosecutor’s first offer, when good legal issues exist to challenge.

To effectively navigate the intricate nuances of the legal system, safeguard your rights, and enhance the probability of achieving a favorable outcome, it is of utmost importance to retain the services of a highly skilled and knowledgeable criminal defense attorney in the Atlanta area.

Opting for immediate legal representation in a criminal case is crucial for several reasons, including the prevention of self-incrimination and the availability of full information for building your defense.

By involving attorneys at an early stage, individuals can ensure the prompt gathering of available evidence, looking for police errors or oversights and the skillful development of strategies, ultimately providing them with a robust defense strategy in the future.

Because the Initial Consult Is FREE, Contact Our Law Firm’s Three Partners Immediately

If you or someone you care about is currently dealing with criminal charges in any of the 19 counties within the metro Atlanta, Georgia region, don’t procrastinate and let key evidence disappear. Our Legal Team strongly encourages you to reach out to our highly skilled legal book co-authors at our criminal defense law firm as soon as possible.

Clients can rely on our legal professionals who are accessible 24/7 for assistance. We offer a free lawyer consultation to discuss your case and provide legal options.

Reach us at 404-567-5515 or email our intake attorney. The email address to reach our attorneys is We are flexible with meeting options, whether in person, by a phone call or via virtual call.

Act now and get the help you need. Contact our Atlanta law firm today to defend your constitutional and statutory rights and go the extra mile to maintain your freedom. No other criminal law firm in Georgia has three nationally published law book co-authors on criminal defense topics going back to 1991 and up to 2024.

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