When facing DUI charges in Georgia, many people become frustrated with how long their cases take to resolve. During the COVID-19 Pandemic starting in 2020, the frustration level (for everyone) was at its very peak. Next, if you hired a top-shelf DUI attorney near me to FIGHT your case, you should have expected a longer litigation process. Pleading guilty is something every accused person can do alone, although this is almost always one of their biggest lifetime mistakes.
Working with an experienced Atlanta DUI lawyer is essential to understanding why these delays often serve a strategic purpose in building a stronger defense. Statistically, the odds of getting DUI dropped in Georgia tend to increase the longer a case winds its way through the court system.
Next, if you hired a top-shelf DUI attorney near me to FIGHT your case, you should have expected a longer litigation process. Pleading guilty is something every accused person can do alone, although this is almost always one of their biggest lifetime mistakes.